ID Life Tapestries

This series corresponds with the Id series of paintings. It was inspired by our unique connection with our surroundings and the Universe we live in. Many elements from the series were inspired by African culture. Process of body scarification.

Id Life Tapestries delves into the intricate web of interconnectedness between humans, animals, and plants. It explores our shared essence, highlighting the similarities beneath our diverse appearances. By merging human and plant forms, the series draws inspiration from ancient myths, particularly Greek mythology, which often depicted humans and animals interbreeding.

Some paintings in the series celebrate vulnerability and authenticity, drawing inspiration from the Mursi tribe of Ethiopia. By embracing their scars and unique adornments, the Mursi challenge conventional beauty standards and invite us to see the beauty in our differences.

Id Life Tapestries is a visual exploration of the intricate web that connects humanity, animals, and plants. It delves into our profound interdependence, a delicate balance where each strand is vital to the whole.

The series challenges traditional beauty standards, celebrating diversity and embracing the unique qualities of each individual. By merging human and plant forms, it alludes to ancient myths and legends, hinting at a time when humans and nature were more intertwined.

Inspired by the Mursi tribe of Ethiopia, the tapestries embrace vulnerability and authenticity. The scars and markings of these people, often seen as imperfections, are celebrated as symbols of resilience and beauty. This series invites us to reimagine our own perceptions of beauty, to see the inherent value in our differences, and to connect with the natural world in a more profound way.


ID Life Tapestries No 3, 120x90cm, mixed media on silk, 2018

ID Life Tapestries No15, 141x108cm, mixed media on silk, 2018, SOLD

ID Life Tapestries No46, 141x108cm, mixed media on silk, 2018, SOLD

ID Life Tapestries No 18, ink, watercolour on silk,137x137cm, 2018

ID Life Tapestries No14, 141x108cm, mixed media on silk, 2018

Id Life Tapestries 41, 110x100cm, oil, mixed media on silk fabric

Id Life Tapestry No 30, collage, silk, glue, thread, 240x150cm, 2018

Small heads, (20x20cm each), 60x100cm, mixed media on silk2018-2019

Life tapestry 34, 137x106cm, oil, mixed media on silk fabric, 2018

Life tapestry 33, 137x106cm, oil, mixed media on silk fabric, 2018

Life Tapestries 10,335x144cm, mided media on silk fabric,2018

Id Life Tapestry No 19, mixed media on silk fabric, 152x375cm, 2018-19

Life Tapestry 25, oil and mixed media on silk fabric, 106x106cm, 2018,

Life Tapestry 24, oil and mixed media on silk fabric, 106x106cm, 2018,

Life tapestries, dyptych, No 20, 21'; 160x160cm’ 160x160cm, oil on canvas, 2017-18

id life tapestries 41, 121x90cm, oil on canvas



Life tapestries, tryptych, 47x70.5cm; 70x65.5cm; 47x70.5cm; embroidery, swarovski crystals silk fabric glue, 2017-18,

Id Life Tapestries 38, 130x130cm, oil, mixed media on silk fabric, SOLD

Id Life Tapestries 39, 130x130cm, oil, mixed media on silk fabric, SOLD

Id Life Tapestries 40, 110x100cm, oil, mixed media on silk fabric, SOLD