Paintings for the new world- portals to the other realm

This series is inspired by microscopic images of the body's tissues and cells. The word "histology" refers to microscopic anatomy.

This part of the "Histology of the Soul" series is painted using photochromic and thermochromic techniques. The first involves the reaction of UV light with pigments on the canvas, which causes the colors to become more intense within seconds. The intensity of the light directly affects the speed and depth of the color change. The colors in paintings done with the thermochromic technique react to temperature.

The series was painted in 2019, during the pandemic, and continued throughout the lockdowns. The artist became interested in this technique after viewing and analyzing her tissue scans, the magnified images of which sparked her imagination, inviting her to delve into the intimacy of the body.

The lockdown period led the artist to intense introspection, leading her to explore the microcosm of her own physicality.

After 27 years of hospital treatment, the artist came to understand the nature of AVM, an arteriovenous malformation, which, like a living being, reacts to various external environmental factors such as excessive light, heat, stress, and others. This dictated the choice of painting technique.

"After thousands of days spent in hospital beds, I finally realized that I live in a body that is a battlefield. AVM, this untamed warrior, reacts to every stimulus, making me a hostage of my own physicality," says Agata.

The word histology refers to histopathology, but with a difference; it refers not to the body, but to the soul, the essence of what we are made of and what defines our physicality, giving it expression and form.

The series has 'seen the light' and can be seen in full color thanks to a collaboration with Professor Stanisław Bartkiewicz from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, who designed systems with special lighting and scanning installations that illuminate each painting, revealing their full colors.


Works on silk with acrylic and silk paint


Light sensitive works. Works on silk with photochromic and termochromia paint

These monochrome pieces will develop into colour when exposed to light and heat.


Ink, watercolour, mixed media on silk

Nb 3, 117x141cm

Nb 5, 107x141cm

Nb 6, 117x117cm

137x 234cm, silk paint, acrylic on sik


Light sensitive works. Works on silk with photochromic and termochromia paint

These monochrome pieces will develop into colour when exposed to light and heat.

Pictures demonstrate gradual change of colour

Pictures demonstrate gradual change of colour

Nb15, diptych, 214x107cm, BEFORE

Nb15, diptych, 214x107cm, AFTER

Colour changingPictures demonstrate gradual change of colour


Pictures demonstrate gradual change of colour

Pictures demonstrate gradual change of colour

Pictures from the solo show at BWA GALLERY in Wałbrzych, Poland