The space is a vacuum. The series not only presents abstract forms but also hand written and embroidered poetry on silk.
Out of the body experience gave me a sense of integrity with the Universe, my surroundings and people around me. It immersed me in the other realm bringing the sense of belonging. Poems represent relationships between forms and people- visible and invisible, two interconnected worlds. They also describe and reflects back on my memories and relationships with my family.
Ode to the bottom of my heart
I let you break
Crack yourself open
Because only then I can truly
Heal from misunderstandings of the past
From unfinished businesses
I let you break
So I can heal
And start again a new path to freedom
Abstract No 1, 50x50cm, ink, embroidery on silk
Abstract No 5, 55x55cm, ink ,oil on silk
Abstract No9, 55x55cm, ink, oil on silk
Abstract No 13,55x55cm, ink, oil on silk
Abstract No17, 50x50cm, hand tufted wool
Abstract No21, 50x50cm, ink , embroidery on silk
Abstract No 25, 50x50cm, ink , embroidery on silk
Two women
Distance between us is growing every day
Extending with every brushstroke I make
With every new book I have read
With every new country I visited
We are separated by Germany, Belgium, France and the North Sea
Why don’t you wanna come with me?
I asked once
I used to have to say so much to you
How does it feel? You asked
It doesn’t
I’m a wreck of a woman I said
Deaf silence filled the remains of unused air
What else can you expect from me?
I snapped at him irritated
Joining other miserable humans
In that one single moment
I feel so much right now
So much weight
So much responsibility
I can’t lift my arms to help you
They tied with the back of my shoulders
I stand still gazing at the half opened window
Snow covered the mountains of our happiness
Two women sharing the same distance
The unknown territory
Two mindsets
One goal
To be happy again for a one brief moment
As they say, ‘whatever doesn’t kill you it makes you stronger’
So here we are standing
The heaviness of your legs in the drifts
Your quiet shout disappeared into the wind from Poland
Can we forgive ourselves?
You went deaf again
Abstract No 2, 55x55cm, ink, embroidery on silk
Abstract No 6, 50x50cm, ink on silk
Abstract No 10, 55x55cm, ink , embroidery on silk
Abstract No 14, 50x50cm, ink, embroidery on silk
Abstract No 18,55x55cm, ink , embroidery on silk
Abstract No 22, 55x55cm, ink on silk
Abstract No 26, 55x55cm, hand tufted tapestry
Abstract No 3, 50x50cm, hand tufted tapestry
Abstract No 7, 50x50cm, ink , embroidery on silk
Abstract No11, 50x50cm, ink , embroidery on silk
Abstract No 15, 55x55cm, ink, oil, embroidery on silk
Abstract No 19,55x55cm, ink , embroidery on silk
Abstract No 23, 50x50cm, ink on silk
Abstract No 27, 55x55cm, ink , embroidery on silk
Abstract No 4, 55x55cm, ink on silk
Abstract No 8, 55x55cm, ink on silk
Abstract No 12, 55x55cm, ink , embroidery on silk
Abstract No16,55x55cm, ink , embroidery on silk
Abstract No20, 55x55cm, ink, oil on silk
Abstract No 24,50x50cm, ink, oil, embroidery on silk
Abstract No 28, 55x55cm, ink , embroidery on silk